Being the hands and feet of Jes​us in H​aiti

Amanda Pecott
Bon Jour!!
My name is Amanda Pecott. I'm the Founder and President of Psalm139Love,Inc (non-profit charity) which was birthed in me at the young age of nine years old when I gave my life to Jesus. It was then I felt the call of God to be a missionary. That's all I could talk about for months! Little did I know that 42 years later I would be a missionary to Haiti running my own charity to help the less fortunate.
Still later as a young girl, I found out I was the "product of a one night stand." (See God's Plan for the One Night Stand) I didnt know who my father was. I was devastated which took me down the wrong path of heavy drinking and being the prodigal daughter. But God was faithful and watched over His own. He was ever so gently wooing me back to Himself. My drinking and partying brought me to the point of almost losing my life to alcohol. It was then, I turned my life back to God and His purpose.
In 2007, I vacationed to visit my brother. He was planning to go on a mission trip that year to Hait. How exciting, I thought! I always, always wanted to go on a mission trip. However, I wasn't able to go with him that year; I obtained all the information I needed to plan my first mission trip.
My very first mission trip was to Bohoc, Haiti the following year (2008) with United Christian International. Bohoc is in the northern area of Haiti outside of a town called Hinche. We flew into the small Pignon airport which doubles as a cow pasture. We then took a very, very bumpy thirty-minute ride into the town of Bohoc/Caiman.
Immediately I knew this was where God had planned me to be! I went back again in 2009, 2014, 2015, 2016 with United Christian International.
In 2016, I was encouraged by my husband Paul and led of God to start my own charity to help the people in Haiti. Psalm139LOVE was established.
I took my first solo Psalm139LOVE mission trip in March of 2017. I took my first official Psalm139LOVE team to Haiti in August (2017). We will be focusing attention in the Monac, Cayhonde & Pignon areas. As you can see there have been many trips since.
I hope you enjoy the webpage, pictures, and videos. Please prayerfully consider becoming monthly partners with us or make a one-time donation! Little is much when God is in it! And much can get accomplished in His Name.
In His Loving Kindness,
Amanda Pecott
Psalm 139:14&17