Being the hands and feet of Jesus in Haiti
Mission Trip Journal
Feb 27th - Mar 5th 2018
Pictures & Video below
Monday - February 26, 2018
Meet & Greet
Our team assembled in Clearwater, Florida on Monday, February 26, 2018. Everyone quickly got to know each other and then it was time to load up all the luggage and freight and drive down to Ft Pierce, Florida to Missionaries Flights International to have it all weighed and loaded on the plane. A "last supper" was shared at the Cracker Barrel and it was back to the hotel with lights out early! Wake up call comes early!!
I had a few minutes to interview Kenny who is a pilot with Missionary Flights International.
He gives a brief overview of what their ministry entails. I've been flying with them since 2008.

Day 1 - Tuesday - Our team left Missionary Flights International in Fort Pierce, Florida, on a 1943 DC3 cargo plane at 7 am with 1200 pounds of freight. We landed in Cap Haitian to clear customs then a short 12-minute flight to Pignon were we landed in a cow pasture! We were greeted by our team. Once all the freight was unloaded and loaded, we had a long, bumpy right to the HAFF guesthouse in Bohoc.
We finally arrived at the HAFF guesthouse in Bohoc. It has no running water and no indoor toilet. After a tour of the 40 acre compound, we rested a bit and then had dinner while debriefing with Haitian Hope. Later, the team prepared for the next day by working on their VBS lessons and Gail Bain prepared her lessons for the next day English class. Check out all the pictures by clicking on the picture.
2018 Psalm139LOVE
DAY 1 - Mission Trip - Haiti

DAY 2 - Mission Trip - Haiti
VBS, Evangelism, Shade House, Prayer Walks, Store, Food Basket Assembly & Give-away
Day 2 - Wednesday - The day was off to a great start!! After breakfast, we loaded up in the rental truck and "Big Red."Big Red for God is a three-wheeled motorcycle that was generously donated to Psalm139LOVE for their work in Haiti. We drove to Monac where we had a very busy and fun-filled day. First stop, Gemel Bakery to buy some freshly baked bread.Love-a-Child referred Ben and Ron to our team to build a shade house for the Gras Li (His Grace) Garden in Monac (the community garden that Amanda and Paul previously started to feed the malnourished children.) So they got started on that project!Team Member Gail and her translator Diranot taught English while Team Members Yvonne, Cindy and Sandy taught the VBS. The theme was ARMOR OF GOD to the children.Of course it was not all work and no play.....Angie and I made PBJ sandwiches and Koolaid for the kids. What a treat that was! Then we blew bubbles, painted fingernails, played games and just loved on every child we could for as long as we could❤ We went on prayer walks through the community handing out tracts and solar audio Bibles as well as praying over families who had special requests. The one young woman we visited and gave an audio Bible to lived in a one-room house with a few children. Their home was destroyed in the earthquake so she moved up to this area but her husband was not able to find work so he’s in Port Au Prince but can’t work because he burned his arm. We also gave her a goat for milk for the children and she can later breed the Nanny to be able to sell the off-springs at the market or trade for food. We also visited one home that had a sugar cane mill that was making syrup. Then time to leave came too soon. We visited Madam Gabrielle's store and purchased rice, beans, oil, butter, garlic and onions to make food baskets.
After dinner at the guesthouse, we assembled several of the food baskets to distribute to families. For example, one family Gail Bain prayed over had a very young girl maybe 14 that told us her mother had died leaving her and her 8 younger siblings. She told us her father was looking for work and it was very hard to get enough food for her family. These stories sure do tug on your heartstrings. Today many souls were won for His kingdom in Heaven.....TODAY WAS A GREAT DAY!!!!❤

DAY 3 - Thursday - Another great day in Haiti!! After gathering our supplies together, we headed to Cayahonde while Frednel, Diggy, Ben, and Ron went to Monac to continue their work on building the shade house for Gras Li Garden.
We began our day in the Cayhonde meeting with the leadership council where they expressed how grateful they were for our team to be working in their community.
Pastor Erivu told us a young mother heard we were coming and she brought her 6-month-old baby to the church for us to pray over her for healing which we did, of course.
Our team then split and visited 8 homes during prayer walks where we blessed people with food baskets and prayers. One of these tiny homes, possibly 6 X 12 had 14 people living there!!! The biggest prayer requests were for larger homes, metal roofs to replace the palm leaves that leak on the dirt floors, healing for illnesses, food to eat and jobs to enable men to provide for their families. We prayed over them giving encouragement and sharing the love of Jesus.
We walked back to the church and Yvonne, Cindy and Sandy held VBS continuing teaching on the Armor of God while Diorno and Gail taught English to adults and children. We couldn't have done it without our Assistant Team Leader, Angie! She was everywhere doing everything we needed picking up the slack always. Gail told the salvation story again today with the Evangacube and more names were written the BOOK OF LIFE!!!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!
We left the Jesus Storybook Bibles in Creole with Pastor Erivu to distribute. After a full day in the community, we went back to Bohoc picking up the guys in Monac, who worked on the shade house. It already looks awesome. Before we arrived at HAFF Guesthouse we stopped by Madam Gabriel's to treat ourselves to a COLD DRINK after a long and hot day.
After dinner we threw a birthday party for Daphca 'Amanda's girl'💕 We even had a SURPRISE visit from Donny and Bervens. What a night of celebration...we ate cake, danced, acted silly, laughed so much and had so much fun!🍰🎶🎉🎶💃🎈🎶 They told us it was the best night ever❤❤❤❤❤That will make your heart smile!

Day 4 - Friday - Today the team took a walk in Bohoc to visit Cindy's little sponsor girl Wilande's home. We visited with her mom about the new roof she is receiving soon. She gave us a tour of her home to show us the poor shape it is in. Frednel, Bruno, Jocelyn, Jodelin, Ron and Ben went back to Monac to finish building the shade house for Gras Li Garden. Amanda and the remainder of the team visited the new garden in Pignon. They met the young man, Fednet, who donated land for the community. Fednet is an Agriculture student with a BIG plot of land and an even bigger heart!
Fednet has allowed 10 families to have a Chapin Living Waters drip irrigation garden in his backyard. He knows the struggles of his people. Hope Seeds provided seeds specially formulated for this particular area and Chapin Living Waters donated the drip irrigation kits. Because it's very difficult to farm in the dry climate Amanda and the team is teaching them how to use community gardens. (Thank you Doug Carlson and Bethany from Hope Seeds for supplying the needs to this community.)
See all the barren land in the picture behind Fednet? It’s all his property and he's allowing us to build MORE gardens for even MORE families! Amanda brought 20 drip tape kits that will go there. Fednet also took us next door to his nursery where he also has a compost station. Thank you Fednet for your love, compassion, and willingness to share with the community!
Next, we drove an hour and a half to the community La Victorie where we met with the five families that are being provided with a pump and hose (valued at $1000) to bring up water from the river to their garden. This will allow the community to have more than one planting season!
Next stop was the church where Gail and Dironet taught English. They were amazed how quickly the children and adults learn the language! Cindy, Yvonne and Sandy taught the children about the armor of God in VBS . Afterwards , 26 children gave their lives to Jesus. Gail led them in the Sinner's Prayer (the prayer of Salvation). PRAISE THE LORD!
Later Cindy handed out menstrual pads to the young women that St. Ann's Catholic Church, Becky Hammond and Tammy VanderHeide made as well as panties they, Yvonne and Sandy bought. Angie and Amanda blessed the girls with dresses made by Becky Hammond and Domino's Promise Sewing Team.
On the way home from LaVictorie, we saw several houses of voodoo and passed out Gospel tracs along the way. Some people call it street evangelism, Gail called it sowing and strowing seeds....saving souls!!! LOL When we stopped near a very powerful witch doctors house Gail jumped out of the truck and ran into the yard leaving tracs in the chair by the gate.
As we headed back to the HAFF guesthouse, we saw some unusual sights including de blan(two white)guys!!! When the guys came from building the shade house in Monac ,we were shocked to find out they finished today! Pics coming soon.
We arrived just in time to host the Haitian Employee Appreciation Dinner for Jocelyn, Frednel, Jodelin and Bruno.
After dinner we met with Dabou and Nelson, two former witch doctors and listened to their amazing testimony how they are now winning souls for Christ now. We sent tracs and Jesus Storybook Bibles with them. You just never know how God will use you. What a way to end the day!!!

DAY 5 - What an amazing day!!! Our team split again today, Amanda, Angie, and Ron left to meet Dr. Valentin Abe to discuss agriculture ideas for Gras Li Gardens.
Dr. Abe Valentin was voted one of the 100 most influential people in Time magazine in 2010. Dr. Valentin Abe, a widely acclaimed agronomist, has a strong reputation for aqua-cultural development programs. A native of the Ivory Coast and a Fulbright scholar, Dr. Abe earned his Ph.D. in Aquaculture from Auburn University in 1995. He then became a member of the International Center for Aquaculture and Aquatic Environment (ICAAE) team at Auburn and assistant coordinator for their training program. And in 1997, became program Director for Haiti�s aquaculture development program. Dr. Abe started Caribbean Harvest in 2005 and has been recognized as one of the most effective leaders making a difference in Haiti.
I met Dr. Abe at a seminar in Ft Myers, Florida at Echo Farms last year. We immediately made a connection. He said he would come see me in Haiti when I was there and sure enough, he drove 4 hours from Port Au Prince to visit my Ministry. I was so honored. He gave us his wisdom and great advice . We discussed possible future projects and we're already working on something special but it's a secret for now. Pray for us. This would be big! And Mr Abe Valentin is the man to have working with you. What an honor and privileged!
After we left Gras li Garden in Monac, we drove to Cercady to check the drip irrigation system we gave them last year for the community garden. Abe was able to give us some good advice on that garden as well.
Our Texas team members along with Frednel and Bervens at 6am and drove 3 1/2 hours to Chadirac to visit and pray over Haitian friends team member Gail knew from her previous trips to Haiti.
They saw many sights along the way never seen before. Cotton trees, yes trees about 20 feet high not bushes as in Texas. Also a big hog tied on the back of a motorcycle....this little piggy went to market!!! 🐗 Oh yes and a lady carrying a refrigerator on her head...yes I said her head. 😳
After a long morning ministering and visiting in Chadirac, the team headed back to the guest house but first stopping by Jeffel Hotel for lunch of fish, goat and lamb. Then back in the truck to head back to the guesthouse...just in time for supper!! Today we laughed, we sang, we cried and laughed some more. We had so much fun🎶 🎶Today was the best day

Day 6 - Sunday - We had Church at MARANATHA. After church and a short break, we got ready to have The Widow's Luncheon. These ladies LOVE this time with us. We all eat, sing and some testify of God's blessings and the WE DANCE!!
It brings these ladies to life. They enjoy this fun fellowship so much. We have grown to love each one and know them by name. We get loved on by them too. It's such a sweet time of fellowship!
John Draxton and his two boys drove from Port Au Prince and we all had a great time of fellowship and worship with Fabius and the choir.
John Draxton is the president of IFOUSD and works in agriculture by giving farmers micro loans to get them In business. He also raises beef there and have made a mutual connection through a missionary named Michael Leo and we are planning on collaborating on projects in the area of Monac. It’s all about missionaries helping other missionaries!
Tonight, we had to honor of having Fabius and The Men's Choir of Bohoc, come sing and play for us...as they do most every year we come. Wonderful praise with Godly men! Fabius was previously blessed with two accordions through generous donations through Psalm139LOVE. He was a blessed and VERY joyful music director!! John and his boys stayed and enjoyed the fellowship and music.

Day 7 - Monday - Today is Market Day. We all loaded up in the truck and went to the Bohoc Market. Later that afternoon, we headed to Monac to see the completed shade house and dedicate it to The Lord.
Ron Lusk and Ben Fry who built our Shade House in Monac were referred to me by my friend and wise counselor Rad Hazelip of Love-a-Child. They have a Charity called "Sustainable Food Production" which provides these shade houses they can be used as nurseries for veggies or chicken coops. They chose Psalm139LOVE out of so many other organizations that are on a wait list and for that we are so blessed!!!

Day 8- Words can’t express what an amazing time our team had on our recent trip to Haiti. We had over 60+ salvations which will always be our main focus as this is the heart of God....o see the ones He created come into a relationship with Him.
My right hand Angela K Priest was with me and has been with me on many trips starting in 2008 on my first journey. She’s such an encourager and is always at the right place helping out wherever needed. She has a servant's heart is willing to do anything at any time without grumbling!
Gail Bain, who took her first Psalm139LOVE mission trip last trip, brought her friends Cindy Lancaster, Sandy Mullens and Yvonne King and I can’t even tell you how much love and compassion they had for everyone they came in contact with.
They provided multiple food baskets, goats, a tin roof plus held VBS went on prayer walks and much more. ..they brought suitcases of presents and snacks! I haven’t laughed so hard in a long time because these ladies are hysterical!!
Yvonne and Sandy had NEVER been on a mission trip and trust me this was RAW! No running water, had to use outhouses, riding in the back of a pickup truck in the heat on extremely bumpy roads and no complaints! I think they rather enjoyed roughing it. haha
Ron Lusk and Ben Fry who built our Shade House in Monac were referred to me by my friend and wise counselor Rad Hazelip of Love-a-Child. They have a Charity called "Sustainable Food Production" which provides these shade houses they can be used as nurseries for veggies or chicken coops.
They chose Psalm139LOVE and Haitian Hope out of so many other organizations that are on a wait list and for that we are so blessed!!! Thank you guys for taking a chance to travel with this crazy group of ladies!!! We loved having you guys with us.
Our group was in unity the entire time and we thank you for your prayers and financial support. Much was done to the Glory of God for His kingdom.
My guys of Haiti, Jocelyn Azeme, along with Borgella Jodelin and Brunot Jean and our translators Previlus, Diranot, Frednel, D. Antoine and Ebens dad,Pastor Erivu, it couldn’t have been done without all of you.
Now that we're back in the States, it's time to begin raising funds for our future projects which will be revealed later. It's a secret!! Thank you for your financial and prayerful support. We could not do this without you! And we give ALL thanks and GLORY to GOD because with Him all things are possible. We cant do it without HIM! Amen?
In His Loving Kindness, Amanda (Founder Psalm139LOVE)