Being the hands and feet of Jes​us in H​aiti
Company Partners
(Be sure to check out the video's below)
We've been blessed to partner with some amazing folks to get the work of The Lord accomplished!

Love A Child, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian humanitarian organization,
serving the needs of children in Haiti. Founders Bobby and Sherry Burnette live year-round in Haiti at the Love A Child Orphanage. They are full-time missionaries who minister to the poorest of the poor in Haiti and work to spread the Word of God, showing Christ’s love by example.

Hope Seeds
Seeds Indigenous to Haiti (and other countries)
Hope Seeds is a Christian ministry which provides quality garden seeds to a hungry world through missionaries and mission teams to help feed the whole person – body, mind, and soul. The world is full of hungry people! Hope Seeds is making plans to help as many as possible grow food for themselves to help fill that hunger… and it is our hearts desire to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with every shipment of seed and materials. Teaching someone how to grow their own food alongside sharing our faith in God is a core purpose of Hope Seeds. The opportunity is great to help many millions of hungry people learn more about growing their own food, sharing that knowledge and food with others, and for realizing how great our God is… He is Creator of All and He loves us.

The Shoe That Grows
The Shoe That Grows
The Shoe That Grows is a shoe that can adjust and expand 5 sizes and last up to 5 years. It comes in a SMALL (fitting kids ages 5-10) and LARGE (fitting kids ages 10-15). So far The Shoe has been in 20 countries impacting thousands of children helping them have long-lasting shoes to protect their feet.
To purchase a pair of shoes, go to the fundraiser page. THE SHOW THAT GROWS

Galcom International / Galcom USA
Solar Audio Bibles
Galcom "Since 1989 we have distributed over 420,000 fix-tuned radios to the mission field in 116 countries around the world. Our goal is to have a part in fulfilling the great commission that Jesus gave to his disciples in Matt. 28:19 and Acts 1:8, to GO-YE into all nations; unto the uttermost part of the earth with the Gospel. This job is not for only the mission agencies but was given to all who would follow Him and call themselves His disciples. Not everyone is able to "Go Ye" into all the world as a missionary but by sending one or more "GO YE" radios a month to unreached people, all contributors (partners) have a part in fulfilling the great commission. Many people who receive our radios can't read but can listen to the Gospel."
You can bless a Haitian with an solar audio Bible in our STORE

Sawyer Water Filters
Sawyer Water Filters
Our filters are certified for ABSOLUTE microns making it impossible for harmful bacteria, protozoa, or cysts like E. coli, Giardia, Vibrio cholerae and Salmonella typhi (which cause Cholera and Typhoid) to pass through.
Just drink: no pumping, no chemicals, no waiting, no worries!
Incredibly fast flow rate, simple to use, and each filter can be backwashed to extend its life.

Chapin Living Waters Drip Irrigation System
Chapin Living Waters exists to help poor people in developing countries grow vegetables when there is insufficient rain. We offer simple, sustainable technologies for subsistence farming, bringing hope to the poorest people and the opportunity to solve their own problems.

Domino Promise Sewing Team
God Bless These Ladies
The Domino Promise Sewing Team strives to show the love of Jesus to those mostly in third world countries, but also in the U.S., by sewing items to meet their needs. Currently we are making sundresses, drawstring shorts, totes, and feminine hygiene products. It is our desire that the recipients feel special and loved and that they are left with a sense that they have not been forgotten."
Check out some of their creations and the happy faces. DRESSES

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