Being the hands and feet of Jes​us in H​aiti
A huge THANK YOU to Paul Pecott and my home church Calvary Chapel Fellowship Pastor Danny Hodges his wife Wendy and the kids at VBS. Our church adopted Psalm139LOVE for VBS and offered a matching donation to challenge the children to raise money to fix this well and it also raised awareness as to the condition of so many who don’t have clean drinking water.
This well was broken FOUR YEARS causing those in the community to walk over an hour just to get dirty water to drink. There is no running water in the areas Psalm139LOVE serves. We have an amazing friend and we’ll digger/fixer-upper named Deribert Etienne. Most wells average around $2,000 to be fixed. Maybe a bit more at this time as gas is about $10 US a gallon which increases the prices of everything.
Message me, Josh Leventhal, Paul Pecott or Gail Bain
if you have any questions. Winnie Saringo Ashwood Jeanne Barr and Angela K Priest and my team went out to see it firsthand. What a lovely 😊 sight to see people getting the water they need! WELL
#Psalm139LOVE #waterislife #missions #cleanwater #amandapecott #missionarygirl
July 2019​
Gadiram well fixed #5!
Isaiah 41:
17 "The poor and needy search for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst. But I the LORD will answer them; I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. 18 I will make rivers flow on barren heights, and springs within the valleys. I will turn the desert into pools of water, and the parched ground into springs.
This was a prophecy given to me on my last trip to Haiti in October 2019. This was after our 6th well was fixed and is very fitting for a huge part of what Psalm139LOVE is about.
Gadiram and been without water a very long time and the children and adults were forced to go seek water from the holes in the ground you see in the pictures below. The water was contaminated, it is also where the animals drank from and made them very sick. Most Haitians have very little money to even eat so they can’t afford a doctor.
Water is life and needed for every aspect of their lives from cooking, cleaning dishes, washing clothes, taking showers etc.. they do not have the luxury of turning on the tap to get a glass of water or going to a real shower as we in America do. When a well breaks down the ENTIRE COMMUNITY suffers but you can make a difference! For an average of $2,200 most wells that are broken can be fixed! to donate.
May 2019​
The Well @ Rozo fixed #4!
The well at Rozo had been broken for quite some time and these pictures of these precious children broke our heart seeing where they had to get water from. Painfully this is the case for many children and adults because nobody in our area has running water and all rely on local wells to be able to get fresh water. However many wells have simply broken down and the government does not fix them so many are forded yo walk sometimes one hour to get contaminated water that they need to drink, wash dishes, cook with and take baths with.
We were blessed to actually meet the children in these pictures and pump the well with them and see fresh clear water pouring out!
This was our 4th well we had fixed and Praise God at this present time of December 2019 we have fixed 6. The average cost is between $2,000 to $2,500 depends on what is wrong and the cost of parts to fix it at the current time and price of gas. The country has been in chaos recently and gas has hit as high as $12 a gallon US! So this effects everything.
Agricultural Training Center/Well Update
Paul was spending a lot of time in prayer/meditation during the summer of 2018 before the August 2018 trip. We were about to build 2 homes and had no experience in this area and he was looking for some guidance. During one of these prayer times, he received a download from God saying we were to build an agricultural training center. We were to then duplicate this in multiple areas. What Paul did not know was that Rad Hazelip from Love A Child had said to Amanda a year earlier that we would be building an ATC. That was a confirmation for sure, but it was not the end of the story. During the trip, we visited Fednet Louis's family for the first time and Paul instantly knew this was the property for the initial ATC. It was barren land missing one important thing - WATER.
Big thanks to Paul Maggard @ Ragged Edge Ministries along with Pastor Danny & Wendy Hodges @ Calvary Chapel Fellowship for donations to supply all things needed for the well project. Here is an update from only 7 months after the well was drilled and less than a year after first setting foot on the barren land.
January 2019
New well @ the Agricultural Training Center
In January Josh and I headed down to Haiti to not only work on the guesthouse but to also see this well that was being drilled for the new Psalm139LOVE ATC that was being built in Pignon.
Deribert Etienne drilled this well and hit 3 water aquifers -40,80, and 120 feet. Deribert is a vital part of our ministry and has drilled a well in Cayhonde for us as well as fixing two wells in that same village.
This well will make a huge impact and is vital for a thriving garden because Haiti has only one rainy season. The rest of the year it is super dry and without a water source, nothing can grow.
A huge thank you to Paul Maggard of Ragged Edge Ministries and Calvary Chapel Fellowship of St. Petersburg Fl for funding this life giving project.
Psalm139LOVE ~ Haiti Mission Trip ~ 2017
Well House and Well Repair
Dedication of the Well House in Monac
Last year, we were able to dig/install a well in Monac, a village of 1500+ people, who had no fresh water supply. They had to walk a long distance to gather water from a trickle down a mountain side into a contaminated watering hole.
Thanks to a very generous donation from Jeanette Secorwe were able to build a well house for the well's protection from the elements and from abuse. Each well should be protected with this cement block structure with a gated door that is locked and only open two hours in the morning and evening to keep the well water from running out. It also keeps the well working without being overused.
We have two more wells that need coverings and you can provide this for $850.00 by going to our online STORE. Put "Well House" in the memo.
Well Repair at the Church in Cayhonde
Last year, I visited the village of Cayhonde...approx 4000+ population.
I had never been there before. The Pastor and leader of the church showed me where they had to get their water and I was in tears. Once again, people were having to get water from a contaminated watering hole. He told me they once had missionaries to come in and install 2 wells which really helped their people. However, with no well house covering and overuse, the wells broke. He had no idea who to call to fix them or how they would pay to have it done. The missionaries never came back.
I knew we HAD to do something to help them. Thanks to generous donations, we were able to dig/install a well for Cayhonde....AND thanks to a generous donation and the funds previously raised we were able to repair the other two broken down wells. So now the village has 3 wells to serve their people.
In this video, one of the wells we repaired was right next to the church in Cayhone. We..Pastor Heriveau, Wilnot and myself, were the first one to get the first gush of water.
This well was very much needed so we can start the Chapin Living Water Drip Irrigation Gardens and use Hope Seeds that supplies all the seeds specifically cultivated for the soil in Haiti.
We have two more wells that need coverings. You can provide this for $850 by going to our online STORE. But "Well House" in memo!
Safe Drinking Water 2017
Well House Dedication & Cayhonde Well Repaired
Check out the video CAYHONDE WELL REPAIR
Wells / Water Purification
2016/2017 - The Tale of Two Wells
Thanks to generous donations, two wells have been installed for two remote villages in Haiti..Monac, population 1500+...Cayhonde, population 4000+
2017- Pastor Arias Gives Thanks for New Well
Pastor Arias (Monac, Haiti) is giving thanks for Psalm139LOVE (Amanda Pecott) for the new fresh water well in Monac.
2016/2017 - The Tale of Two Wells
Thanks to generous donations, two wells have been installed for two remote villages in Haiti..Monac, population 1500+...Cayhonde, population 4000+
2017- Cayhonde Needs a New Well
Imagine waking up and walking in the hot sun to go to a hole in the ground to gather CONTAMINATED water to drink because you have NO OTHER water source. You get sick and your children get sick with swollen bellies, diarrhea, fever and sometimes even death. You can't wash clothes or bathe because you truly don't have enough to drink. At the time of this video, that was the reality for the people who live in Cayhonde . They had two wells installed years ago but both broke and they didnt know who to ask to fix it and certainly didnt have any money to pay him.
2017 - Cayhonde Needs a New Well
Over 4,000 men women and children only have a hole in the ground where a small spring bubbles up to supply their water. They don't have enough to wash their clothes and bathe with let alone drink - and the water they manage to get from this ground is contaminated. Many adults and children are literally dying from malaria and other diseases from this water.
2017- Cayhonde Well Next to Church Repaired
This well located right next to the church was broken for two years but with the generous support of our donors and $2,000 we had the money to fix it. Best of all it was fixed the day I was there and I got to be one of the first people to pump it along with Pastor Heriveau and Wilnot!!!
2017 - Cayhonde's Brand NEW Well
First day up and running.. I was in Haiti march 7-14 and the 4,000 residents we're drinking from a dirty hole in the ground that was contaminated and made them sick and some of them even died from the disease ridden water. We raise the money very quickly and paid $6000 to get this freshwater well 12 and the people are extremely grateful and so happy. Everyone deserves clean water.
2017- Monac Well Gets a Well House
This is a dedication video where we put up a plaque and thank Jeanette Secor for providing the money for the well covering in Monac. Each well should be protected with this cement block structure and gate that is locked and only open two hours in the morning and evening to keep the well water from running out. It also keeps the well working without being overused. We have two more wells that need coverings and you can provide this for $850.00 by going to our online Store.
2017 - Sawyer Water Filters Impacts Lives
Wislet Cadet was given a Sawyer Water filter that was donated by Calvary Church St Petersburg,FL. He talks about how it has impacted his and his families life.
2017- Sawyer Water Filter Giveaway
We were able to give away 15 Sawyer Water Filter systems to 15 of the most needy families in remote regions nowhere near fresh running water.